MMI’s experience in Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) is rooted in the support we provided to what was the first CCS project in the UK to achieve full regulatory approval – Peterhead Hydrogen Power.
MMI’s Tony Byrne has always been actively involved with the CCSA, and sat on both the H&S and Environmental working groups. In 2016, during a reshuffle of the group, Tony voted as Co-Chair of the Technical working group. The purpose of this group is to liaise with the H&SE, support technical developments, investigate cost reductions, and cover technical and environmental issues, such as geological storage, pipelines, industrial CCS processes, transportation (pipelines, shipping), etc.
On the 19th of June, Tony chaired a meeting for the group, the principal topic of which was ‘the use of Hydrogen to decarbonise industrial and domestic heat’. Talks were given by BEIS, ZEP (EU Zero Emissions Platform), Northern Gas Networks and DNV GL. Attendees included representatives from Statoil, Costain, Air Liquide, Committee on Climate Change, Summit Power, SCCS (Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage), Progressive Energy, UKCCSRC (UK CCS Research Council), and Tees Valley Combined Authority.
This week, on the 28th of June, Tony will attend the CCSA AGM. The AGM will conclude with a reception at the House of Lords, which a Minister from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), will speak at.